This education & training roundup was compiled by Joel Don, ISA's social media community manager.
April education and training programs will feature the Process Automation Boot Camp, which is designed specifically for non-maintenance personnel with little or no background in the field of process measurements and control. Also check out Automation Engineering Survival Training program for system integrators, focusing on concepts important to automation engineers and others involved in a project design and commissioning role. April technical programs will be held in a wide variety of locations, and course offerings include webinars, professional exam preparation and cybersecurity training, plus several classes en Español. Here's a complete list of classes for the month with links for more details and registration information.
Onsite Training
In addition to taking ISA classroom training at ISA headquarters, regional locations and industry events, you can also receive customized ISA training at your facility through ISA Onsite Training. This option can bring any ISA course or combination of courses – along with ISA’s world-class instructors, training materials and portable laboratories – directly to you. Simply pick the time and place. Contact ISA at +1 919-549-8411 or
Note: If a class date is not showing in the course offerings page or registration appears closed, contact ISA at or call customer service at +1 919-549-8411 to get a registration update or waiting list status.
Fundamental Skills Training
Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control (FG07)
This course combines lecture and hands-on labs to provide an overview of industrial measurement and control. Technicians, engineers, and managers are provided with a foundation for communication with other control system professionals. The class serves as a solid fundamental course for introduction to other ISA courses. The 4.5-day class starts April 11 in King of Prussia, Penn.
Technical Skills Training
Instrumentation Maintenance
Electrical Systems and Principles (TI15)
This course covers electrical principles and components used in industrial instrumentation, emphasizing safety. The material covered includes using schematic symbols, the National Electrical Code (NEC), and basic test equipment. This course serves as an excellent overview for those who have never had electrical training and as a refresher/update for those who have had electrical training (though not too advanced) sometime ago. An understanding of basic algebra is expected. The three-day course starts April 4 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Electrical Noise Effects on Instrumentation Control Equipment (TI21)
This course provides an understanding of electrical grounding from an electrical and instrumentation loop relationship. It also covers grounding for personnel/equipment protection as well as for electrical noise. Signal wiring and noise reduction methods are also presented. The material assumes the student has a basic understanding of electrical principles and signal wiring. The National Electrical Code (NEC) is referenced throughout the course. The two-day class starts April 7 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Installing, Calibrating, and Maintaining Electronic Instruments (TI25)
This popular course offers a combination of practical information and hands-on experience, covering proper installation, calibration, and maintenance of electronic instruments. You will examine characteristics of electronic control systems; techniques for installing electronic instruments; and procedures for configuring and calibrating transmitters, transducers, and controllers. Approximately 40 percent of your time in this course is spent working with equipment. The 4.5-day class starts April 18 in Houston, Tex.
Industrial Communications
IT Survival Basics for I&C Personnel (TS04)
Ethernet networking, switches, routers, servers, PCs and firewalls, as well as wireless Ethernet networks and TCP/IP communications. The student will learn how to configure them and how cyber security is applied to protect them. Upon completion of this course, individuals will have a familiarity with basic IT concepts and technology which will enable them to effectively collaborate and communicate with IT personnel and perform basic IT functions essential in a modern plant and with modern control systems technology. The 5-day class starts April 8 in Columbia, Ill.
Advanced Industrial Networking and Cybersecurity (TS20)
In this course you will learn about the latest developments in Industrial Control System (ICS) networking and cybersecurity. The course provides a review of basic networking and cybersecurity technology and expands your understanding of industrial network concepts by reviewing basic networking principals including TCP/UDP, IPv4/IPv6, ICS protocols, addressing and troubleshooting. You will explore network security architectures and learn how to use layering and segmentation to improve security, as well as how web technology works and how web server capability is used in industry and the security problems engendered by such use. Practical application use of cybersecurity technologies such as firewalls, VPN, virtualization, virus scanning and intrusion detection tools will be covered, including how to industrially harden and secure your networks and perform "red team" testing of your systems using penetration testing software. Special focus is placed on the assessment of security risks and hazards in the industrial setting using ANSI/ISA-62443, NIST and ICS cybersecurity frameworks and standards. Laboratory exercises performed in class are designed to re-enforce learning objectives and allow for active participation using a classroom network setup leveraging virtual environments. The 4.5-day course starts April 11 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Automation Professional Skills
Control Systems
Tuning Control Loops (TC05)
This course is directed to anyone who would like to gain a better understanding of how to tune control loops − whether they have tuned loops but would like to become more proficient or they have never tuned a loop before. Registrants are expected to have a basic understanding of instrumentation and controls (either by working experience or taking fundamental courses such as ISA’s FG07: Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control) as this course does not cover that material. The three-day course starts April 11 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Troubleshooting Instrumentation and Control Systems (TC10)
This course presents a systematic approach to troubleshooting and start-up of single- and multi-loop control loops. You'll see how pressure, level, flow, and temperature loops operate to maintain good process control systems. Knowledge of instrumentation and control is assumed. The two-day class starts April 14 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
CybersecurityIACS Cybersecurity Operations & Maintenance (IC37)
The third phase in the IACS Cybersecurity Lifecycle (defined in ISA 62443-1-1) focuses on the activities associated with the ongoing operations and maintenance of IACS cybersecurity. This involves network diagnostics and troubleshooting, security monitoring and incident response, and maintenance of cybersecurity countermeasures implemented in the design and implementation phase. This phase also includes security management of change, backup and recovery procedures and periodic cybersecurity audits. This course will provide students with the information and skills to detect and troubleshoot potential cybersecurity events as well as the skills to maintain the security level of an operating system throughout its lifecycle despite the challenges of an every changing threat environment. The three-day course starts April 5 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Using the ANSI/ISA99 (IEC 62443) Standards to Secure Your Industrial Control System (IC32)
The move to using open standards such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, and Web technologies in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and process control networks has begun to expose these systems to the same cyberattacks that have wreaked so much havoc on corporate information systems. This course provides a detailed look at how the ANSI/ISA99 standards can be used to protect critical control systems. It also explores the procedural and technical differences between the security for traditional IT environments and those solutions appropriate for SCADA or plant floor environments. The two-day course starts April 26 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
SafetySistemas Instrumentados de Seguridad – Diseño, Análisis y Justificación (EC50SP)
Este curso esta enfocado en los requerimientos de ingeniería para especificar, diseñar, analizar y justificar el uso de sistemas instrumentados de seguridad para la industria de proceso. Los estudiantes aprenderán como determinar los niveles integrales de seguridad funcional y como evaluar si los sistemas existentes o propuestos alcanzan los requerimientos de desempeño o rendimiento. Este curso es requerido como parte del programa ISA 84 "Certificado como experto en fundamentos en Sistemas Instrumentados de Seguridad funcional." El estudiante puede inscribirse para tomar el curso solamente o para el programa del certificado, que incluye el examen. Aquellas personas que completen el curso y pasen el examen, recibirán el reconocimiento como "Especialistas en Fundamentos ISA84" (ISA84 SFS por sus siglas en Ingles). Este curso es requerido para obtener el certificado como “Especialista en Fundamentos ISA84” (ISA84 SIS Fundamentals Specialist Certificate Program). La clase comienza 4 de Abril en Houston, Tex.
Selección Avanzada de Nivel Integral de Seguridad - SIL (EC52SP)
Este curso se enfoca en un entrenamiento practico a más completo, sobre la selección de Niveles Integrales de Seguridad Funcional (SIL - por sus siglas en ingles); utilizando una serie de técnicas diferentes. Los estudiantes estarán en capacidad al terminar el curso, de ahorrar a sus empresas tiempo y dinero a través de la optimización de los requerimientos de rendimiento de los sistemas. Este curso es una extensión del curso EC50SP (Sistemas Instrumentados de Seguridad - Diseño, Análisis y Justificación). La clase comienza 11 de Abril en Houston, Tex.
Safety Instrumented Systems − Design, Analysis and Justification (EC50)
This course focuses on the engineering requirements for the specification, design, analysis, and justification of safety instrumented systems for the process industries. Students will learn how to determine safety integrity levels and evaluate whether proposed or existing systems meet the performance and documentation requirements defined in the ISA 84 (IEC61511) standard. The four-day class starts April 11 in King of Prussia, Penn.
Verificación Avanzada de Nivel Integral de Seguridad - SIL (EC54SP)
Este curso está enfocado en los detalles de asuntos de diseño, con más prácticas y ejemplos de modelaje y análisis de sistemas. Los estudiantes tendrán mas capacidad para diseñar y analizar sistemas, ahorrándole a sus organizaciones tiempo y dinero al poder optimizar los diseños de los sistemas de seguridad. Este curso le mostrará como modelar y analizar cualquier tecnología y configuración para verificar si alcanza los requeridos niveles de rendimiento o SIL (por sus siglas en Ingles - Safety Integrity Level) y así determinar si son suficientemente seguros, si necesitan ser mejorados o si están sobredimensionados. Ud. Podrá también determinar el tiempo optimo entre pruebas manuales para cualquier sistema, ahorrando tiempo y dinero al no hacer muy pocas o demasiadas pruebas en los sistemas. La clase comienza 13 de Abril en Houston, Tex.
Advanced Safety Integrity Level Selection (EC52)
This course focuses on further hands-on examples of safety integrity level (SIL) selection using a variety of different techniques. Students will be better able to save their companies time and money through the optimization of system performance requirements. This course is a follow-on to EC50 (Safety Instrumented Systems − Design, Analysis, and Justification). The course is required for the ISA84 Safety Instrumented Systems Certificate Program 2. You can register for the course only or for the certificate program which includes course and exam. The two-day course starts on April 18 in King of Prussia, Penn.
Advanced Design and SIL Verification (EC54)
This two-day course focuses on more detailed design issues and further hands-on examples of system analysis/modeling. Students will be better able to perform system design and analysis thus saving their companies time and money in optimizing system designs. This course will enable you to analyze any system technology and configuration to see if it will meet the required SIL (safety integrity level) and determine if existing systems are safe enough, if they need to be upgraded, and whether proposed systems will meet the performance requirements. The class will start April 20 in King of Prussia, Penn.
Certification and Licensure Preparation
Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) Level I Review Course (TS00)
This is a fast-paced review of the knowledge and practical skills necessary to install and maintain standard measurement and control instrumentation. It is intended for practicing technicians preparing for the CCST Level I exam. An explanation of the examination process and practice certification-type exams are provided. The four-day course starts April 25 in Houston, Tex.
Certified Control System Technician (CCST) Level II Exam Review Course (AESTIV)
This is a fast-paced review of the knowledge and skills necessary for technicians with 7+ years of practical experience who are preparing to sit for the CCST Level II exam. An explanation of the requirements, examination process and practice certification-type exams are provided. The four-day course starts April 25 in Newark, Del.
Control Systems Engineering (CSE) PE Exam Review Course (EN00)
This course reviews the knowledge and skills areas that are included on the Control Systems Engineer (CSE) Professional Engineer (PE) examination produced by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) and administered by U.S. state professional license boards each October. The intent of the class is to prepare an engineer with four or more years of experience to take the exam by providing instruction in the broad range of technical areas that will be tested. The content is based on the CSE Exam Specification that went into effect in October 2011. The three-day course starts April 26 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Certified Maintenance and Reliability Technician (CMRT) Exam Review Course (TM00)
This course is designed as a fast-paced review for the experienced maintenance mechanic. It provides a thorough overview of the knowledge and mechanical skills required in today’s industrial maintenance environment. It is designed specifically for industrial maintenance mechanics preparing for the CMRT exam. An explanation of the examination process and practice taking a certification-type exam is provided. The three-day class starts April 26 in Santa Ana, Calif.
The following courses are featured events in April
Process Automation Boot Camp For Non-Maintenance Personnel (PABC)
This course was specifically developed for non-maintenance personnel with little or no background in the field of process measurements and control. The class focuses on the physical measurement technologies, the communication signals and the various applications of instrument equipment to achieve common process measurements and control. The course is strategically designed around lab demonstrations and in depth class discussions. The course offers a fundamental knowledge for operations, technicians and engineers working in the process control industry. The five-day course starts April 4 in Santa Ana, Calif.
Automation Engineering Survival Training – Integrator Version (AESTIV)
Do you work for a system integrator? Do you support client projects? Do you need to expand your skills in working in a project design or commissioning environment? ISA’s new Automation Engineering Survival Training: Integrator Version (AESTIV), designed specifically for system integrators, focuses on concepts important to automation engineers and others involved in a project design and commissioning role. This unique process automation engineering experience is designed to hone your process automation knowledge and skills. ISA’s seasoned “Survival Expert” will guide you through a fast-paced and rigorous course of topics from process measurement through advanced automation. Whether you are new to the system integration industry or are a seasoned professional, this course will challenge you and enhance your knowledge in key concepts beneficial to system integrators and allow you to perform at a higher level and will help you deliver superior value to your clients. The five-day course starts April 18 at ISA headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C.
Online Instructor-Assisted Courses
Control Systems Engineer (CSE) PE Exam Review Course (EN00E)
This online course reviews the knowledge and skills areas that are included on the Control Systems Engineer (CSE) Professional Engineer (PE) examination produced by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) and administered by U.S. state professional license boards each October. The intent of the class is to prepare an engineer with four or more years of experience to take the exam by providing instruction in the broad range of technical areas that will be tested. The content is based on the CSE Exam Specification that went into effect in October 2011. The 12-week course starts April 4.
Cybersecurity for Automation, Control, and SCADA Systems (IC32E)
The move to using open standards such as Ethernet, TCP/IP and web technologies in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and process control networks has begun to expose these systems to the same cyberattacks that have wreaked havoc on corporate information systems. This course provides a detailed look at how the ANSI/ISA99 standards can be used to protect your critical control systems. It also explores the procedural and technical differences between the security for traditional IT environments and those solutions appropriate for SCADA or plant floor environments. The course starts April 11.
Introduction to Industrial Pressure, Level, and Density Measurement Technologies (EI05E)
This course presents an overview of the principles and applications of modern pressure, level, and density measurement systems, emphasizing underlying instrument technologies; device performance and design; and specification, selection, installation, and maintenance requirements for instruments and transmitters. This six-week CyberU course starts April 18.
Live Webinar Series
Boiler/Burner Management Series
Is A Burner Management System (BMS) A Safety Instrumented System (SIS)? (ES16PW1)
This seminar presents and discusses the direction in which the industry is heading with respect to the classification of a BMS as a SIS. The course will provide an overview of the current codes/standards related to burner management systems and how they relate to SIS standards. This class also presents arguments as to why a BMS could be considered a SIS. The online webinar will be held March 23.
Is a Fire & Gas System a Safety Instrumented System? (ES16PW2)
This webinar will explore the current trends in the market place and industry in general with respect to fire and gas detection systems and their relationship to safety instrumented systems (SIS). It will be held April 13.
Introduction to the 61-511 Changes (ES16PW3)
Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector is currently undergoing a revision cycle. This webinar will provide an overview of proposed modifications to IEC 61511 with an emphasis on those modifications that could have an impact on the specification, design and/or operation of safety instrumented systems. The online webinar will be held April 27.
Control Systems Security & ISA/IEC 62443 Series
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Automation Systems (IC32CW1)
Risk analysis is an important step in creating a cybersecurity plan for your automation system. Risk analysis not only identifies security vulnerabilities but also provides the business case for the countermeasures that reduce risk. This course introduces control engineers to the concepts of risk analysis and how they are applied to industrial manufacturing and control systems based on the ANSI/ISA99 standards. This course is also valuable for IT professionals who wish to learn the special considerations of automation systems in performing risk analysis. The webinar will be held April 6.
Using Firewalls and Security Zones on the Plant Floor (IC32CW2)
The network firewall is one of the most important tools in any cyber security designer’s tool box. This seminar introduces the industrial controls engineer to the world of firewall system design, focusing on how these devices can be effectively deployed on the typical plant floor to help meet the ANSI/ISA99 security standards. The webinar will be held April 20.
A Tour of the ANSI/ISA99 Security Standards (IC32CW3)
This webinar introduces you to the ANSI/ISA99 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems standards and how these are organized. You will be given a brief introduction to the terminology, concepts, and models of ANSI/ISA99 cybersecurity and elements of creating a cybersecurity management system. The webinar will be held May 4.
ISA Partner Training
ISA has teamed up with IDC Technologies & Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) to bring an array of technical-related training courses to various U.S. locations as well as online courses, with special discounts for ISA members.
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