This post is authored by Joel Don, ISA's community manager. Connect with Joel at LinkedIn.
Here's the bottom-line about careers in industrial automation, engineering and manufacturing technology: relatively stable employment, avenues for professional growth, plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your ability to develop innovative solutions to technical and business challenges. Engineers are working at a faster pace than ever. They are taking on more complex projects, though with less resources than in prior years. And they worry that vital knowledge and skill sets are being lost as a generation retires.
That’s just a snapshot of the findings coming out of a new survey of engineers and technical professionals currently working for industrial companies. The research, conducted by IEEE Engineering360, polled more than 2,200 professionals working at small, medium and large companies, with headcounts ranging from less than 25 employees to firms boasting more than 250 engineering professionals.
We’re moving faster. Engineering is accelerating. Design cycles are shrinking, yet designs are becoming more complex. Time-to-market pressure is increasing. And despite the increased pressures, the survey reports engineers say they are quickly adjusting to new pressures and challenges resulting from rapidly evolving technologies, managing to work with tighter, leaner manufacturing budgets, and fulfilling the demand for accelerated production schedules, greater production efficiencies, more cost-savings, and delivering even higher levels of quality.
Here are some of the highlights from the engineer survey:
The concern about shrinking numbers of skilled professionals is a global challenges, as noted in research by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. The top five countries anticipating the greatest challenge finding workers to fill skilled professional jobs are Japan, India, Brazil, Turkey and Mexico.
Manufacturing firms have learned to do more with less, but an associated impact of greater productivity and efficiency delivered by advanced industrial technology is boosted market demand. Increased business can strain a lean staff of engineers. Business growth has partly fueled the skilled worker shortage that has been exacerbated by retiring professionals from the World War II Baby Boom generation. A healthier global economy also removes obstacles to employment advancement, either through internal promotion, external recruitment by another company, or retirement.
Another interesting finding from the IEEE survey is that engineers are increasingly measured by metrics related to customer satisfaction. The customer view ranked first (58 percent) followed closely by product quality (57 percent) in terms of meeting performance objectives. A related metric, meeting launch dates, came in third at 44 percent. Customer-centric engineering has proven to be a great benefit to brand marketing as well as a means of empowering the customer. A customer-centric engineering approach, the survey notes, enables a company to make products that align with the sustainable, environmentally oriented needs of the marketplace.
Engineers say they are on board. They are ready to meet the challenges, the deadlines and the new opportunities that enable them to apply their technical skills and knowledge. What is your experience as an engineer or industrial automation professional at your company?