“The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.”
— David Viscott, psychiatrist, author, businessman, and media personality
In the time serving as ISA President, you are blessed with the opportunity to hear from members. I want to focus my column this month on one of my favorites: “ISA should be run by the members, for the members.”
I recently read an article from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), titled “Be a More Effective Volunteer Manager.” Although aimed at association staff, it had some interesting points that we as volunteers can appreciate.
The article is a synopsis of a survey of association staff and volunteers conducted in 2019. The survey highlights the key requirements for what ASAE calls mutually-beneficial volunteerism. They define this as, “a system in which the volunteer makes a meaningful contribution to the mission of the organization and the management process makes a meaningful contribution to the professional development and personal satisfaction of the volunteer.”
Another point from the article mentioned why it is important that volunteers understand how their work fits into the Society’s larger context. ISA was founded from a collection of independent groups, but if we are going to grow and increase our international footprint, we have to ensure that everything we do fits with our strategy.
We recently held our Strategic Leadership meeting (virtually, of course), where the extended group of Society leaders collectively discussed priorities and plans for the next few years. These meetings were well-received, with the attendees overwhelmingly confirming by survey that the meetings met their expectations, that we brought the right group of people together, and that they had a clearer understanding of and feel involved in the strategic direction of the Society.
We continue to host the bi-monthly webinar Connect Live with the Presidents where you – yes you – can talk directly with your Presidential Chain, ask questions, and make suggestions. There are so many ways to engage, just ask me.
Rather than focusing on phrases like, “by the members, for the members” let’s focus on, “mutually-beneficial volunteerism,” where we all work together to make meaningful contributions for the greater good of the Society and the profession.
I look forward to our continued work together as we create a better world through automation.