ISA Interchange

IEC Product Properties Working Group Completes Two-Day Meeting at ISA

Written by Contributing Authors | Oct 13, 2011 10:38:55 PM

IEC SC65E Working Group 2 held a meeting at ISA in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on October 11-12, 2011. The leader of the working group, Dr. Peter Zgorzelski of Bayer Technology Services GmbH, reports significant progress was made on IEC 61987 Part 12 and Part 13, involving data structure and elements in process equipment catalogs. The concept of the list of properties (LOP), the core element of the work, was essentially finalized. Committee drafts of the documents are expected to be submitted to the IEC for circulation early in 2012.

For more information on IEC SC65E WG2, please visit:,FSP_LANG_ID:2561,25